Sunday, June 25, 2006

Just Remember

When all is down and hopeless,
andyou don't know who to turn to for help
When you need a helping hand,
whenyou feel your life's a total mess

When the world seems dark, without light,
andyou wish there would be one, to
Guide you out of the darkness
Just remember that I will always be here...

When you are miserable, unhappy or sad,
when you feel there's no meaning in life
When all you wanted was to find THAT someone to talk to
Just remember that I'll always be here...

When life's like a merry-go-round
threatening to throw you off-course
When life's like the spattering raindrops
which comes more often every now and then

When you feel the future is bleak,
& itis impossible to continue
the path down the road
Just remember that I'll always be here...

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