Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Poem Of A Family

Once there was a happy family
who was happy no matter their status quo
Who had fun whenever they went
the little gal was still young then

She was pretty full of life and all

being an only child, enjoying all she's got
But then her father took the first fall
and suddenly, all their lives turned to naught

That was a time of difficulty

a time of pain and suffering
And along then came a friend
who promised to make it all better

The father started work in his friend's company

though totally new in this line
He learnt everything about what's to be
and he slowly made his way up

Soon this family was up on the ladder again

and the girl had a little sister
Who was the cutest thing anyone had known
and everybody loved

Life was going smoothly and wonderfully

it all seems too good to be true
This is like a dream come true
For the father and his family

Little did they know of the disaster

of what has yet to come
For this friend betrayed him
and forced him to leave the company

For a while, the father tried to accept things

to make everything right
For he still have a family to support
he cannot give up without a fight

But as despair set in

for finances were running low
The father grew despondent
unlike the person whom he really was

He tried getting a job

but nothing worked
He tried building his own business
but without capital, all is pretty much useless

In the end,

he had to sell away the car
That was the last link;
to sever him from his friend

With the last link gone

it seems all is gone
The father is feeling worse than before
but he is yet relieved as well

The father has been praying hard

hoping to make everything right like before
However, there has been no answer
and he doesn't know what to do

Will there be a miracle?

For this is what the family has been hoping for
Will God finally answer their prayers?
Time will eventually reveal!

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