Saturday, July 01, 2006

To : My Sister

I pick up a pen
but my mind's a blank
A million things running through my head
as I lay on the bed

I recall the night when you were born

oh such wonderful joy!
You were is such tiny form
if only you were a boy!

But I thank God for you

for you never make our days blue
You are the joy of our life
for this I thank God, as each day passes through

You were a real 'monster' back then

in your growing up phase
You climbed up and down, everywhere
we could never find you in the same place!

You are a studious girl

one who needs no pushing, (at studies)
You excel in most of what you do
and we are very proud of you

Though we have been thru' a difficult time befor

ewe had managed to pull it thru'
We survived all the hurdles and obstacles
without turning too blue

I remembered when Daddy first fell hard

Life was a thud!
It was terrible back then
our lives were much twisted and bent

But we prayed hard

and our prayers were answered
Daddy got a new job
our prayers were heard

Although this is the second rough patch

we are going through
But I believe earnestly, if we are determined
we can make our dreams come true

Looking back,

I can't believe how much I've written
When just a while ago
I was still sitting away, contemplating what to say

Before I end this letter

I would like to say
Dear Anne-May
We love you always
And we will continue to do so everyday

No matter what happens

We will always be there by your side
We will comfort you when you are sad
Our family will not give up without a fight

You can count on our support

in whatever you do
No matter what your decisions may be
our wishes for you will forever be true

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